Wednesday, 31 July 2013

So, on with the show?

As i already hinted at, i'm have given up my tournament days and become a player who is much more interested in the spirit of an army. With this i have also abandoned what used to be, more or less, a commandment: Power-Gaming!

For those who are not aware, power gaming is a term that is used as a catch all phrase for army lists designed to win at any and all expense. Popular lists revolve around "Deathstars" (units that cannot be stopped due to extreme resilience/hitting power/characters within) which can lead to, in my opinion, rather boring games as two armies avoid one another's main unit and desperately try to claim as many points from other sources as possible.

So, with that doctrine well and truly abandoned, i probably should start looking towards my new doctrine: Fun, Balanced lists! Madness!

The first thing i have to do with my new list is decide on my General! From that starting point i can extrapolate (not really the correct use of the word but i absolutely love it and have been wanting to use it for ages!), the rest of my list.

Henceforth, The indomitable Viscount "Wolf" Blackwood was born! Now to give him some personality.

Looking at the Bretonnian map doesn't really give a lot away. I did rather like the idea of a Mousillon based force but it does seem it has been done rather a lot so i came up with a different plan.

Carcassonne: South East of the Kingdom and home to a warlike bunch of individuals who regularly battle with foul Greenskins (and others!), shouldering the burden of defending the realm uncomplaining. What i particularly like about the region is the colour scheme (a nice Red and Blue) and a magic item: the Birth Sword!

Who doesn't want the first thing their new born son touches to be a sword? In game terms its not amazing but i like the idea of it so there goes another reason for my General to be from there!

Now to flesh it out a little. Virtue of Confidence to make him a challenge monster! Now while this virtue is commonly associated with Couronne, that is easily solved by saying his Mother was from that province! (It also has the rather useful because it has the same colour scheme!).

So, he is already going towards being designed for challenges so the next thing i need is to bump his skill at arms up. Armour of Agiluf will do that job, but lets change the name to something more fitting: Cuirass of Martial Pride? Sounds good to me.

What else? Well, now he is a challenge monster lets make sure the enemy has to accept these challenges. Gauntlet of the Duel!

And finally what she was have for a mount? As cool as Hypogriffs and Pegasus' are, i think for a true Lord the only way is in the front rank of his own men. So a Warhorse it is!

But why stop at a Horse? Wouldn't a Wolf be cooler? Not a smelly little thing like dirty goblins ride but a massive ferocious wolf that looks capable of tearing a dozen men to little bits! So a BIG wolf!

Lets bulk the general idea of him a little more now we have an actual model in mind! Riding a wolf and unafraid to meet anyone in a personnel challenge. Grail vow is needed then (again, probably not worth it in game terms but its important i get this right!) but with Grail Knights being living saints (quite literally), its important i don't have many in the army. Maybe just my General?

With all this in mind i came up with this bad boy:

Viscount "Wolf" Blackwood
Virtue Of Confidence & The Grail Vow
Birth Sword of Carcassonne "Dawn's Judgement"
Cuirass of Martial Pride
Gauntlet of the Duel
Bretonnian "War Wolf"

The model itself is made from King Leoncouer's body, a Knight head and arm, Spacewolf Stormshield, Spacewolf Thunderwolf, Empire Helmet (The wolf is stood on it, to give it more height), Dark Elf Lance Tip (not visible in this photo) and a book from the Grey Knights range.

With this in mind i need to create a back story for his wolf mount, his grail quest and where, from this individual, the army is going to go!


Viscount Blackwood

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